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Free Cancellation, Zero Payment Now
Stay flexible! Book now with zero payment and cancel anytime.
How It Works
Select a "Free Cancellation, Zero Payment Now" room.
Book without any payment using your credit card.
Booking amount will be charged from your credit card two days before the free cancellation end date.
Booking can be cancelled at no cost till the free cancellation end date.
What if my plans change, and I want to cancel?
Your booking can be cancelled at no cost till the free cancellation end date. Any cancellation after the free cancellation end date will not be refundable. The cancellation of a booking can be done from My Trips section on the MakeMyTrip APP/Website.
What if my card is charged, and I want to cancel after that?
Even if your card is charged, your booking can be cancelled till the free cancellation end date and the refund will be done to the same credit card. Any cancellation after the free cancellation end date will not be refundable. The cancellation of a booking can be done from My Trips section on MakeMyTrip APP/Website.
What if I want to pay for the booking now?
We will automatically charge your card two days before the free cancellation end date, however you can opt to pay sooner for the booking anytime before the free cancellation end date. You can complete the payment for your booking in the My Trips section.